Ignite the Immersive Media Sector by Enabling New Narrative Visions (TRANSMIXR)


  • TRANSMIXR aims to create human-centric tools for remote content production and consumption via social virtual reality, with a distributed XR Creation Environment, XR Media Experience Environment, and the possibility to reuse assets across immersive content delivery platforms.

  • Objectives include introducing new workflows and media formats, enabling the creation of new experiences, and impacting the Creative and Cultural Sector (CCS) domains, with a consortium of 19 organizations from 12 European countries holding advanced expertise in AI & XR and the media sector.



Extended Reality (XR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), News Media & Broadcasting, Performing Arts, Cultural Heritage


October 2022 - Ongoing


€1M (assigned) / €9M (total)


Design Researcher



  • I conducted three focus group workshops with XR production companies: Khora (Copenhagen, Denmark), Gluk Media (Vinus, Lithuania), and Immersion (Bordeaux, France). Each session lasted 2-3 hours and 4-8 people, respectively, were invited to share their expertise for the user-centered workshop.

  • Participants engaged in hands-on activities, such as writing, drawing, and discussions, to share and brainstorm ideas together. The activities were carefully designed to learn from participants about their expertise in XR production. A wide range of experts from each company participated in the workshops, including project managers, CTO, CG artist, lead programmer, film producer, and sales personnel, providing diverse perspectives.

    Details soon to be updated :P

Sueyoon Lee

Sueyoon is a user experience designer & researcher based in Amsterdam. She creates immersive yet comfortable experiences with design and technology through a user-centric approach.


Voice-driven interaction in XR spaces (VOX Reality)